Saturday, February 7, 2009

Louis CK: Hilarious

Well friend, a fantastic night all around for me. As you know, I went to see Louis CK perform at the Egg tonight. Todd Barry (of The Wrestler and Flight of the Conchords) opened (he opened for him the last time Louis was in Albany) and he was very funny. For some reason someone in the audience shouted out "HOT DOGS!" when he first came out, and that became kind of a recurring thing. But Barry was kind enough to lend Albany this slogan: "Buffalo can keep their goddamn wings. We have Albany hot dogs!"

Louis came right out (I love the no intermission) and he was on for about an hour. This is the fourth time I've seen his stand up (two of those times were on of which we watched together)--Anne, this was his funniest ever. I'm a total CK dork, I check his website, subscribe to his YouTube channel and I've watched him on a bunch of talk shows (my favorite appearances are on The Daily Show) and this was the funniest I'd ever seen him, I was blown away. There was a point where I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. It wasn't only that I couldn't breathe, but also forgot HOW to breathe and I thought "oh god, I'm going to die," it was pretty serious. And then I was afraid to a laugh for a minute or two in case I forgot how to breathe again. Eventually I emotionally recovered from my not being able to breathe scare.

After the show, Louis and Todd signed DVD's so I got in line and was FREAKING out. You know how I get around people I admire (i.e., I get insane) I met Todd first and he signed his DVD that I bought, I said he was great on FOTC (which he was) and made some decent, not to awkward small talk. Then, well I tanked. Louis and Todd were standing right next to the table where I had just purchased the merchandise and the cellophane was still on the packages. When I went to meet Louis, I was shaking like a leaf and he reached his hand out to get the DVD to sign, but instead I shook his hand like a weirdo. Then I was trying to get the wrapper off with my shaky hands. Thankfully he said "Oh, I'll get that for ya" and opened it for me (otherwise I'd still be there trying to get it open) and he signed it and I said "I'm really excited for This Side of the Truth" and he said "Oh yeah, I think it's going to be really good." So you know, not too bad. Then I did what I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULDN'T DO. I asked if he'd met Karl Pilkington. Why does my brain do this to me? I was having a semi-normal conversation with LOUIS CK why the hell couldn't I forget about Karl? Obviously my brain is determined to ruin me. Anyway he said he met him briefly on the set of the movie, and then I displayed an embarrassing level of information about the progress of the movie. In my defense anyone who reads Ricky Gervais's blog (and that's a lot of people) would know just as much as I do. Blurgh.

To sum up:
Louis CK is funnier than ever, he was really nice, and I'm an idiot.

p.s. "Hilarious" is the name of this tour. It IS Hilarious, but it's also part of one of his jokes.

1 comment:

The DJF said...

i am also a fan of Louis CK. I did a blog entry about Lucky Louie a little while back. :-)