Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't Tell Us Which One is Funnier

I am very pleased with the new layout. It's sleek and sophisticated; just like me!

As Eileen and I are constantly in competition to find out which one of us is funnier, I wanted to post something HILARIOUS to out do her last post. Unfortunately the only topic that I can think of right now is Dolly Parton. I am very serious about my love for Dolly, so this post will not be funny.

I first began to take Dolly Parton seriously as an artist when I heard her Academy Award nominated song "Travelin' Thru" from the Transamerica soundtrack. It caught my ear because it is a badass motherfucking song, but it stuck with me for another reason. It seemed out of place for this woman, who seemingly aspires to an ideal of Southern femininity, to be performing on the soundtrack of a movie with such a progressive message. Next, I saw 9 to 5. I saw Dolly espousing feminist values in the workplace, and doing it in the most adorable way humanly possible. Dolly Parton is a mystery to me; she apparently holds relatively progressive values, and yet she presents herself in a very traditional way. She doesn't even go to bed without makeup on for fear that she will have to run out in an emergency and be caught barefaced, but she's willing to write the score for a musical about equality at work. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I absolutely love Dolly Parton as a musician and as a human being. I had to write this whole long post because just saying "HOLY SHIT I LOVE DOLLY SO MUCH!" is creepy and weird, though accurate.

For Dolly Parton's own take on her personal style, see "Backwoods Barbie," the titular track of her most recent release.


Leen said...

Buddy, we can't look at our blog as a competition to find out who is funnier-- because this isn't an episode of Seinfeld. However we can use it as an opportunity to prove that together we are funnier than everybody else, so let's get to work.

The DJF said...

Make sure to check out 9 to 5 when it opens on Broadway this spring. :-)


Thea said...

in fourth grade we had to choose someone to write a biography one. I found a book about Dolly and wanted to write my report on her. My mom wouldn't let me because she "had too many divorces."

Lonnie said...

YOu wanna see 9 to 5 the musical?