Tuesday, February 17, 2009

because everyone wants to know what i think about kanye

So I've read a lot (two is a lot right?) of reviews about Kanye West's new album (808s and Heartbreak) and they are all correct. It is visionary and it is terrible, it is one of my new favorite albums and I hate listening to it, all at the same time. Honestly I love it, and to get you to love it too, I thought we could play a fun game.

True or False-- the following is an actual lyric from the song "Say You Will": When I grab your neck, I touch your soul.


The DJF said...

Very true.

Unknown said...

True! OK now someone who didn't...already blog about it go.

Leen said...

Yeah, the two reviews of the CD I read where yours and TheDJF's.