Monday, December 8, 2008

My Loneliness Is Killing Me

I know you don't drink, buddy, but I think it's important that you know the rules to the Scream drinking game. Lonnie and I played it this weekend, and it resulted in some horrible things. Well, they were horrible for me. You would have been wildly entertained had you been there.

1. Every time someone dies, drink.
2. Whenever you see any kind of blade, drink.
3. Every time another horror movie is referred to, drink.
4. Whenever someone alludes to the fact that Sydney's mother is a whore, drink.
5. Every time Courtney Cox is wearing something LIME FUCKING GREEN, drink.

Using only those rules, Lon Lon and I drank enough to stumble to campus, do karaoke (Hit Me Baby One More Time), and wander around the residence halls talking about Anna Paquin' know... for about an hour before finding someone we knew and having fun with dental dams. But not the kind of fun that you're supposed to have with dental dams.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that you'd love the Scream drinking game and that we should get a bottle of rum and live it up when I get home.

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