As an avid fan of all things fierce and all things Beyonce, I was listening to "I am...Sasha Fierce." She has a song called Ave Maria, not a cover of the Schubert aria, but a modernized pop version of it (I know buddy, I know). I'm not a huge fan of religion but I have always been moved by Schubert's Ave Maria, so I was listening along and it was nothing special. But with every chorus I was getting more and more annoyed, because when she sings "Ave Maria," in the chorus she rolls the "r". It is the only "r" she rolls in the entire song. Last time I checked Beyonce's song is in English. And in English, we don't roll "r"s (I know this because I can't roll an "r" to save my life). So to superficially adopt the rolled "r" in just one word for the entire song annoyed the beejeezus out of me. Unless you are singing the "Ave Maria" in Italian, keep your rolling consonants to yourself.
On a brighter note, I'm done for the semester! My final final was this morning. I thought it was really unfair because all of the questions were biased towards students who went to class occassionally. The psychology of a person taking a multiple choice test when they aren't that familiar with the subject is an incredible thing. At least mine was. I was trying to figure out if certain one's were trick questions, if he deliberately defined words wrong to confuse us so we'd think it was the right answer but it was actually wrong, etc. One question was about policies the Chinese government were thinking of adopting to prevent Taiwan from becoming fully independent and one of the choices was "make loud noises at the leaders of the Taiwanese government" (I'm pretty sure that wasn't a practical policy alternative for the Chinese government.) Here is a list of things I learned in my Post-Utopian China class, and literally all the information I had for my final:
1. I don't want to go to China
2. If you live in the far west regions of China, life sucks.
3. If you are a woman and live in the far west regions of China, life sucks even more.
4. If you live in Southeast China, and aren't a migrant worker, your life is slightly less sucky.
5. Women in China commit suicide a lot.
I knew I was in rough shape when at one point I said to myself "Oh, I think I remember that from a documentary from Mr. Petersen's class...."
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