File this entry under "timely" because now that it has been over a week since commencement at both of the prestigious universities that we attended, I would like to take some time to reflect on my thoughts about graduation. Before you can understand my "feelings," which I know you all want to do, I would like to say something about my college experience. I spent 5 years getting my undergraduate degree. Five straight years of school is too much, never let anyone tell you otherwise. My 5th year program was meant to teach me about entrepreneurship and provide me with the skills needed to be a successful social entrepreneur. I do not know why I thought an entrepreneurship program would help me in my desired career as a research librarian, but it seemed like a good alternative to moving in with my parents at the time I applied. The only thing that I really got out of this program was learning how to spell entrepreneurship, which I guess is a lifelong skill...
Anyway, I did not enjoy my final year at the University of Rochester. More than anything right now I am relieved that school is over and I am looking forward to not having homework for the first time since 2nd grade. At the same time, though, I think all of the talk that I heard for 5 years at the U of R, about how wonderful the school is and how there is no other University quite like it and how lucky and smart and talented all U of R students are, actually got to me. I'm excited to move on. I'm excited to start working full time. I'm excited to have options for the first time since I was applying to school. But I am a nostalgic person by nature, and although I've been looking forward to graduating since September, I can't help feeling a little sentimental about what I'm leaving behind.
Even though there were many, many things that I did not like about the school, I still feel pride in my degree. I feel proud to say that I am an alumna of the University of Rochester. I know that I will miss sitting on the quad and being able to see every single one of my friends walking past throughout the day. I will definitely miss having the option to skip class and sleep in. I think most of all I'll miss going to Rush Rhees library and being surrounded by every book I could possibly want to read. I saw a small tapestry in the book store with Rush Rhees Library on it and came sooo close to paying $50 for it, but I didn't. I guess I will miss Rush Rhees, but not $50 worth.

So, as much as I hate to admit it, I do bleed Dandelion yellow. I will miss the experience of being a college student. I will miss going to classes on a campus that is also an arboretum. Meliora, University of Rochester. See you at my first reunion.
What about you, buddy? What do you think about your shiny new diploma?
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