Thursday, May 20, 2010

if you were a psychic you would already know what this post says

Today was the first day I ventured out of the house in a while. Well, more like 29 hours, but that can feel like a long time if all you're doing is watching Bones. I was worried that I had contracted my roommate's illness and quarantined myself. Not surprisingly I am fine, and was able to take care of some business this afternoon. That's right, I have business and I took care of it! At a lunch meeting no less. I am a grown up now. Anyway, after my business lunch I decided to go to the local Psychic to get my palm read, a decision that only serves to reinforce the conclusion that I am an adult.

Now this is my first time going to a psychic (well except the free on at the book launch for the final Harry Potter) so I didn't really know what to expect. There was one of those folding screens that blocked a woman who was in the middle of the consultation with the older male psychic who I am assured is the real deal. However since he was busy, I got to meet with the older woman who was sitting on the white pleather couch who was in the middle of eating her lunch and watching a special on the History channel. She spoke quickly and with a heavy accent that I couldn't really place. After a few minutes of generic platitudes I was easily distracted by the 5 Hour Energy drink commercial. It was a tricky session because about half the things she said were totally wrong but she did say "When you walk on street, you have smile on face, but not in heart."

After about 5 minutes it was over and I was faced with the biggest problem of my time you tip a psychic? If I were to evaluate based on quality of service, while this woman was obviously friendly and moderately mystical, she was clearly dealing in bullshit. On the other hand I didn't want to get anyone's bad vibes sent after me for not tipping the old psychic lady. So I decided I better do it, just in case.

Next time I'm doing a tarot card reading, no more of the amateur palm reading bs.

But on the bright side I will be successful in anything I try because I can open a hundred doors using my words.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Palm reading is actually very complicated. I should know, I bought a small book about it.