Monday, March 16, 2009

for the love of the blog

Last night faithful roommate and ray of sunshine TKG decided to start a blog ( about good deals to help save some money during these tough economic times. She was so excited about blogging and all it had to offer. And it only served to demonstrate how neglectful I have been of this little blog of ours. Although you have been more neglectful than I have, I knew that going in and expected as much. I have no such excuse. So I would like to reassert my commitment to this blog. Like our friendship tree, it will not grow without water, and here come the rain clouds! Not much has happened lately, however His Holiness the Dalai Lama might be coming to UAlbany in April, so at least I have that to look forward too. Although two other local schools (Skidmore and RPI) denied the invitation to host his arrival, so it does kind of lessen my excitement, no one likes being sssssloppy sssseconds (or in this case sloppy thirds).

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