Monday, November 2, 2009

from depression to obsession to depression

Suggested song to listen to while reading this post: "Butterfly" by Mariah Carey

Well buddy, you have certainly been doing the majority of the blogging for the past....six months. The tables certainly had turned, but my blogging hiatus is finally over. I hadn't posted because I so rarely have anything to say, and when I do have something to talk about, I usually have too much to say, and that keeps me away too. However, keeping with our new "themed" posts, I need to write about our favorite subject, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

If you were to flash back to June of this year, you would meet a girl unafraid of stumbling across butchered bodies in everyday life, a girl who did not wonder "If I was murdered right now, what would Elliot and Olivia uncover about my life during their investigation?" But after I moved in late June, I got depressed. I felt like a displaced person and I needed a break. Enter Instant Netflix, complete with Seasons 1-7 (they have since posted seasons 8-10 too) of Law and Order: SVU, which I had never seen. Remembering how much you liked it, I figured I'd watch an episode or two and see if I liked it. Cut too November 1st, just over four months later, you would see that same girl, depressed again, but for a very different reason. You see after watching one episode, that girl was so compelled, that she continued to watch, episode after episode, grizzly rape/murder/suicide after grizzly rape/murder/child abduction. And in a little over four months, she had watched her way through the entire series. Over 220 episodes. I am now completely up to date. And here I am, just like everybody else, anxiously waiting for the newest episode to be posted on iTunes. No new case to solve, no rules to bend, no new ADAs to constantly compare to the irreplaceable Alex Cabot. Let me tell you buddy, I don't like this new world. I don't like having some time to kill and not being able to fill that time with Elliot, Olivia, Munch, Finn and Alex. I don't like it one bit.


R. said...

You have now discovered why some form of Law & Order is on TV 17 hours a day.

Anne said...

You should know that even though your suggested song was Butterfly, all I can think of is Always Be My Baby.